Oct 26, 2021
“Clients only want to work with me.” I hear this all the time - but it’s not true. Today we are talking about this big roadblock many of you have when creating an agency. What do you do when a client only wants you? How can you show that that working with an agency has so many more benefits?
Oct 19, 2021
Over this past summer, I did a lot of thinking about what I wanted the next evolution of Reynolds OBM to look like. Everything is growing and growing and I wanted to make sure I was intentional with the decisions I was making. I didn’t want to work so hard to create something I didn’t like in the end. So today I...
Oct 12, 2021
Last spring I started this podcast as a reaction to the pandemic. I wanted to help business owners not panic so they could get through the craziness. The Sink Handle name is an inside joke that I thought explained that mood, but wasn’t really a match with the rest of the business branding. So now I am...